Thursday, September 22, 2016

The Series

The Series is a core system of which our lead instructor Jeremiah Sibley created himself and has been a proven method of jazz improvisational piano instruction. It will help you get from the baby steps of learning notes into being able too build a three-note chord and then apply them. In this week's video preview we highlight a suspension trick. Each chord is explained if you watch the segment before and after listening to how they sound in this segment if you continue and watch the final part of the lesson you will see how they can be applied.

All of the lessons at are meant to help teach your principles that you can apply to all of your playing not just the songs that are taught in the lessons. These principles and guidelines will help you to continue to build a strong foundation to be able to accomplish all that you want on the piano.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Learn an Essential Trick
This week's video preview highlights one of the most important advanced tricks when playing Pentecostal Style or any type of church music. Using this "On the I" trick you can help a song to come alive and not just play the basic chords.

Lead Instructor Jeremiah Sibley will walk you through each hand so don't be intimidated, but you can see the final result. With the full lesson, you will be able to add something to your playing, that will be appreciated no matter what you are playing.